Setting up BitTorrent Sync on a DNS-320L NAS with fun_plug 0.7
This information assumes you have already setup fun_plug on your DNS-320L NAS as per these instructions. I started by following the following instructions which I found here.
cd /ffp/start/
tar zxvf btsync_arm.tar.gz
Once extracted, I tested it by running:
chmod x btsync
And then accessing *my-nas-ip*:8888 in my browser. The issue I keep seeing people encounter is that they cannot select outside of their '/ffp' folder. This is because the bash shell that funplug starts is run inside a chroot at '/ffp'. However, when you go to select a folder, the root of the filesystem is still in '/mnt'. In my case it is '/mnt/HD/HD_a2/'. It's a simple hurdle, so hopefully this saves a few people a little time.
Once it's working, make it start automatically by adding something like this to your '/mnt/HD/HD_a2/ffp/fun_plug' file: